Useful Links
Here are a selection of Links I have collected along the way that you might find of interest.
Amateur Radio Clubs
- Essex Ham Group – Great group, lots of very useful information on the website.
- Thames Amateur Radio Group (TARG) – Another club I have visited who seem friendly and welcoming. Meeting place is Canvey Island.
- South Essex Amateur Radio Society (SEARS) – Another club I have visited good talks and friendly bunch. Meet at Kiln Road, Benfleet SS7 1BU
- CARS, Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society (unfortunately I can not recommend this link as the website is not secured by a valid SSL)
Amateur Radio Other Links
- RSGB, Radio Society of Great Britain. Wealth of information about the hobby.
- QRZ.COM, Website with global list of callsigns and more info about each person you may here on the radio. You can also store and display your logbook here.
- eQSL.CC, Website for exchange QSL Cards electronically. Reduces the cost, and storage!
- UK Repeaters, list of the repeaters in the UK
- Essex Repeater Group, Essex Repeater information
- Martello Tower Group, Information on repeaters
- Alert Find, Emergency Communications (Thanks to Sky for this one, good luck with your clubs and hope to hear you on the air one day)
- ESSEX RAYNET, Emergency and Event communications group in Essex
- Maidenhead & WAB Locators, get your locator information from your postcode
- UKMESH.ORG, Amateur Radio Data Network I am setting up across Essex and UK