Following on from a conversation with Pete from EssexHam and a number of people who ask about how to set up a Raspberry Pi for doing SDR receiving, or ADSB aircraft tracking.
I have now built a pre loaded SD card full of Amateur Radio software, so its as simple as popping in the SD card to your Raspberry Pi. Plugging in an SDR Dongle and giving it some juice.
Then with the software all installed you just need to open the application and start playing with SDR Radio.
I have also included a number of other useful pieces of software from around the web such as WSJTX, XLOG, Grid Tracker to name a few.
If you do not have an SDR dongle already, or indeed a Raspberry Pi. These can be purchased from my store online
The Menu has all of the software links to simply click to open them.
The software is all updated versions as of July 2019 but can be updated simply to keep them current.
I will also offer anyone who purchases a digital download should they ever need to restore the card back again.
Head over to if you want to get started with RaspberryPi software but were unsure how to install all the applications.
Click HERE for the SD Card only
Click HERE for the SDR Dongles
Click HERE for the full Raspberry Pi Kit