GB2JSS - June Summer Solstice 2020
So this year operating with a big outdoor event with lots of visitors is not possible, for all the reasons we all know!
But that is not going to stop us! 2020 will see
GB2JSS operated by M0ONH
GB0JSS operated by M0PSX
Possible another JSS callsign might be activated from a secret /p location.
In the northern hemisphere, the summer solstice, or longest day of the year, takes place between June 20 and 22 each year.
This year it falls on Saturday, June 20 – when the UK will enjoy 16 hours and 38 minutes of daylight. The sun will rise at 4.43am and set at 9.21pm
We will be operating all weekend with the callsigns across all bands and as many modes as we can.
Post Event Update.
What a great weekend, on Saturday worked GB2JSS from QTH and made good number of contacts.
Worked 2M FM, 2M SSB, FT8, DMR.
Sunday was fun and started at 03:40 UTC!
Then in the afternoon I went out portable and did some excellent HF contacts. The best was KU4WE on 17meters.
Not bad seeing as I was using just a random length of wire about 20m long, up the 12m meter pole and then out at about 45 degs back to the ground.
Speaking of ground, all i had was a tent peg and a lump of wire so not best working conditions. But 5/5 report from USA I was pleased with.