Amateur Radio

Intermediate exam

Amateur Radio

So this evening I sat the Intermediate exam and passed. I dropped two points , although I can not remember what the questions were for the 2 I got wrong. Probably a silly mistake! There were 3 people who took…

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Build Blog

Amateur Radio, Build Blogs

So one of the great parts of this hobby is the ability to build your own set up. Whilst I’m at foundation level that doesn’t include building the radios. But that still leaves lot of areas where you can build…

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Saturday Field Day

Amateur Radio

To mark the end of the GB1JSS callsign, I once again went to Galleywood Common with Essex Ham group. I arrived a little early and was the first person there, which was ok as I wanted to try my setting…

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Friday Night NET

Amateur Radio

Tonight was a little more radio fun. I join in with the Friday Night NET held by TARG club. Debbie was in the chair, who I knew as she was one of the invigilators in my exam! Lots of good…

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June Summer Solstice Field Day

Amateur Radio

Yesterday I joined Essex Hams Group for their annual Summer Solstice Field day with special event callsign GB1 JSS. It was an early start I arrived at around 06:30 (yes that is in the morning!) Charlie and Peter were already…

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Appearance in RADCOM

Amateur Radio

So i received my monthly RADCOM, the amateur radio magazine and had a quick flip through whilst waiting for plane home and find a picture of me in it, Thanks to Pete (M0PSX) for the mention.

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Little Introduction

Amateur Radio

Well here is the new website, my little personal website on the internet for all things I enjoy. And probably will be some moans about things I don’t enjoy, but will try to keep them to a minimum… I guess…

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