BADARS Club Night

Amateur Radio

Quick write up of my visit to the Braintree Club night last night.

The theme was antenna clinic and lots of people had brought their ariels to test. I took my own analyser and my 2m slim jim along.

It was good to be able to compare my own analyser with other to see the same results, so its proves its working well.

Also was able to see that my slim jim is working well with a nice flat curve across the band.

Great friendly bunch of people who were engaging and welcoming of my first club night visit.

I even managed to not be tempted by the stuff for sale from the silent key sale. Although I was tempted with a few items…

Managed not to come home empty handed as one of the members (and im sorry to day I didn’t catch his name) was giving away home grown cucumbers ! Will go nicely with my cold meat salad this evening.. (its too hot to eat anything else)


  1. REPLY
    comment Dorothy stanley says

    That’s a club I’ve not dragged Richard to yet , perhaps one day . Nice to read you have had a good night there , hope you enjoyed your salad with free cucumber , best wishes x

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