I’m Andrew, 44-year-old with a mix of hobbies and interests.

I was born in Essex, lived in Central London throughout my 20’s and early 30’s before leaving the rat race and returning to Essex. Now based in Chelmsford where I live with my partner and two cats.

I work in the Business Technology sector, co-founded and am the director of a Communications and Technology company called CloudTree.

For 12 years between 2006 and 2018, I worked as a volunteer police officer with Essex Police as a Special Inspector. I could fill a whole website with stories! But to protect the innocent(and not so innocent) ill leave them for another day…

My Other Hobbies

Playing Piano

I have been playing the piano on and off since about the age of six. Never had a lesson but just enjoy playing some music every now and then

Coding and Electronics

I dabble in a bit of coding and enjoy all aspects of electronics. Current using Arduinos extensively


For about 5 years I have been doing astrophotography when the weather plays along, which not often in this country.


From doing my pilots license, building flight simulators to flying remote-controlled planes and setting up ADSB stations. I enjoy everything aviation related.